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时间:2018-07-24 09:38:48 来源: 作者: 阅读:

报告题目1 On the CR Hamilton-Yau-Perelman Program
报告人   张树城 教授(台湾大学)
报告时间 2018727日(周8:0010:00
报告地点 44118太阳成城集团学术报告厅
报告摘要We proposed to deform any fixed CR structure under the torsion flow  on a closed CR 3-manifold which shall break up the space eventually according to the contact topological decomposition.  The singularity formation of the torsion flow is expected to be broken up into pieces which will either collapse or produce the Sasakian space form structure.  We will survey the recent progress toward the CR geometrization problem in this direction.
报告题目2 A Compactness Property for Solutions of the CR Torsion Flow
报告人   张树城 教授(台湾大学)
报告时间 2018727日(周10:0012:00
报告地点 44118太阳成城集团学术报告厅
报告摘要We will apply our previous results on "Convergence of Closed Pseudo-Hermitian Manifolds" ( jointed with Yuxin Dong and Yibin Ren) to study the CR Cheeger-Gromov compactness property for solutions of the torsion flow.
报告人简介张树城,博士,教授,博士生导师,杰出的几何分析学家。1985-1990莱斯大学学习并获博士学位,2004-2007年间任台湾清华大学数学系系主任,2008年至今任教于国立台湾大学。主要研究领域为:微分几何、几何分析、伪Hermitian几何、Kaehler几何等。近年来专注于CR流形中的几何分析问题,包括CR Obata问题、CR heat equation 相应的Li-Yau gradient estimatelinear trace Li-Yau-Hamilton inequality问题的研究。在国际著名学术期刊,如J. Differential Geometry、Math Ann.、J. Geometric Analysis、Trans. AMS 等发表系列重要研究成果。