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时间:2019-05-14 16:38:41 来源: 作者: 阅读:

报告题目Impact of cannibalism on dynamics of a structured predator-prey system

报告人李建全 教授



报告摘要Cannibalism as a behavioral trait is prevalent in some species.  A structured predator-prey system with predator cannibalism is investigated, where the growth of the prey is subject to two ways, the exponential form and the logistic model, in the absence of the predator. The effects of the cannibalism attack rate and the corresponding benefit rate of cannibals on model dynamics are analyzed. Complex phenomena, including the bistability, the existences of two positive equilibria and stable/unstable periodic solution, are found. Some quantities with clear biological meanings are defined.  Conditions determining the local and global dynamics of the model in terms of these quantities are established. Our results show that, when the growth of the prey is subject to the logistic model, the final states of populations would depend on not only the related model parameters but also the initial conditions of solutions for certain cases.  


个人简介:李建全,陕西科技大学文理学院,教授,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,曾任职于空军工程大学任教,2017年到陕西科技大学任职。现主要从事种群生态动力学、传染病动力学、病毒动力学的数学建模与研究,发表学术论文100 余篇,其中被SCI 收录40余篇。2002 年和2006 年分别获教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学二等奖。曾主持国家博士后科学基金1项,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,参两项与国家十二五重大专项研究项目。博士学位论文获西安交通大学和陕西省优秀博士学位论文。2009 年在World Scientific 出版《Dynamical Modeling and Analysis of Epidemics1部学术著作。

